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Title: Corporate law and Anti-Money Laundering

Subtitle: The role of the Notary

Editor/Author: Professor Birgit Snijder-Kuipers

Content: In the summer of 2024, just before the Paris Olympics, I had the privilege of teaching a Corporate Law and Anti-Money-Laundering course at the 12th edition of the World Notariat University. This academic training  programme, founded by French notary Jean-Paul Decorps, forms part of activities  organised by the UINL and aims to increase the  understanding of the  concepts of comparative law and international law through  exchanges of good notarial practices between young notaries. One of the objectives of the World Notariat University is to raise awareness about the  globalisation of legal relations, and the role that the notary must play towards  citizens and public authorities. This is particularly the case in the area of  anti-money-laundering since challenges in this fi eld affect governments, fi nancial institutions, citizens and legal professionals around the world – and especially us notaries; for example, when fulfi lling our gatekeeping function.

Language: English

Volume in pages: 176 pages

Price: € 37,50 (incl. vat)

Shiping costs: Orders from abroad are subject to a surcharge equal to the part of the shipping costs exceeding the shipping costs within the Netherlands.

ISBN: 978-90-835180-1-5

Cover: paperback

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Birgit Snijder-Kuipers was appointed professor of Corporate Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Birgit specialises in private law, particularly company law in relation to anti-money laundering and the fi nancing of terrorism. Since joining De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek’s corporate practice in 1996, Birgit has advised companies on their corporate structures, governance and on dealing with hostile takeovers. She also deals with more general corporate matters including restructurings, transfers of legal form, mergers and demergers. Birgit lectures on corporate law, anti-money laundering and notarial law, and she regularly publishes commentaries and articles in legal journals. She completed her PhD on transfer of legal entities’ legal forms at the University of Groningen in 2010.

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